Search Day Night

Weekly inspiration

All students out there would probably agree with me when I say I want this month to end as soon as possible. The amount of black tea I consumed over the last week isn’t even funny anymore. On the second thought, let’s skip all the way to March… But enough with complaining. My goal that basically keeps me alive these days are the 3 month vacation I get in summer if I do it right this time and the fact that me and my girl Eva bought tickets to 1D concert in July! Yaay, so the trip is officially happening now and I honestly can’t wait, because with that I’m opening a season of freedom and fun. But oh wait, first I have to get through another 6 months of cold and school…

The bright point right now is the fact, that it hasn’t been that cold around here and I can still walk around with some sheer stockings, cuffed jeans and thin boots and actually dress (somewhat) stylish and not just throw the warmest clothes I have, like I did last year. Although the season of three pair leggings and five layered tops will come soon, I’m sure. Anyways, I’m gonna stop with this chatter (which ironically only come in absolutely most inappropriate times) and leave you with my Monday inspirational collage of my dark, casual with lots of jewellry kinda mood. Happy Monday!

Študentski del se bo verjetno takoj strinjal, ko rečem, da si želim da se Januar čimprej konča. Količina črnega čaja, ki sem ga popila v zadnjem tednu ni več niti smešna. Če še mal razmislim, kaj ko bi preskočil kar do marca? Ampak dosti jamranja. Moj cilj ali bolj svetla točka, ki me drži pokonci te dni, so 3 meseci počitnic, ki jih dobim za nagrado, če vse opravim tako kot je treba in to, da sva z Evo končno kupile karte za 1D koncert julija! Trip je zdaj tudi uradno on in komaj čakam da s tem odprem sezono svobode in zabave! No, najprej se moram pregurat še čez naslednjih 6 mesecev… Ampak jaz vrjamem, da mi bo uspelo. Tu se bom ustavila in končala svoje čebljanje (ki se ironično vedno pojavi ob najbolj neprimernem času) in vam zaželela lep ponedeljek!

Photos from: Fashion Guitar, Ring My Bell, Where Did U Get That, Lovely Pepa, Song of Style, other blogs and tumblrs

OOTD: Parka

Remember the big Zara shopping bag I posted on Instagram a while ago? Hidden inside was an early…


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