Search Day Night

Weekly inspiration

The same old story with the weekend ending is happening all over again. Why does it have to end so faaasst? Between hangover, lunch at grandma and visiting cousins I didn’t have almost any time for myself and for truly embracing the free days. Let’s just hope the next comes quick… As you can see, the black is making the return. What can I say, it’s my favorite color. On the other hand, it’s getting very cold and I can now truly open season of my cozy sweaters with another ten layers of clothes under it to prevent myself from freezing. I wish you all a very, very lovely Monday and the rest of the week!

Spet ista stara zgodba in tečni ponedeljek. Med izganjanjem mačka, kosilu pri babici in obisku bratranca in sestrične mi skorajda ni ostalo časa za uživanje v prostih dnevih. Upam samo, da naslednji vikend pride čimprej. Kot vidite se črnina vrača in drugega kot to, da je moja najljubša barva nimam za povedat. Po drugi strani pa v tem mrazu na široko odpiram sezono toplih puloverčkov in deset slojev pod njem. Vse, samo da ne zmrznemo, kajne? Uživajte v temle ponedeljku in želim vam lep teden!

photos from: Collage Vintage, Blonde Salad, Style Scrapbook, Fashion Guitar, Kristina Vasarina, other blogs and tumblrs

Shopping: Leather Jacket

I still remember the day when I bought my first “leather” jacket back in high school. I was…


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