Search Day Night

Shopping: Winter Boots

Call me crazy, but I think I’ll forever hunt for the perfect pair of winter boots. You know I’m a shoeholic and as one, I don’t usually have any problems with finding shoes to buy, I often have a totally opposite problem – which one to choose! But when it comes to boots, I’m incredibly picky. I has to be the right shape, size and height, preferably black leather, something classic, not too pricey and the list goes on and on. This year I went onto a mission to find the perfect pair with an extensive research. I found a lot, but I narrowed it down to just “few”. You can find them below with all the links. Which are your favorite? Let me know!

Ah, kaj nej rečem. Obsedena sem s čevlji, pa sej to že vsi veste. Ponavadi imam problem s preveč izbire in se ne morem odločit katere kupit, pri škornjih pa vedno naletim na ravno obraten primer. Lahko bi rekli, da sem mala zbirčna metka kar se tiče zimske obutve. Oblika sprednjega dela, peta, primerna višina škornja, nujno črne barve, ne preveeeč dragi in lahko bi naštevala še do jutri zjutraj. Letos sem se vrgla v zeloo obsežno raziskavo in Eva (moj najboljši partner in crime kar se tiče šopinga) ima verjetno že čez vrh glave mojih sporočil z linki novih potencialnih škorenjčkov. Vse najdbe si seveda skrbno spravljam, pred vami pa je danes en tak ožji krog mojih najljubših. Med njimi imam že skritega favorita, ampak pustimo se presenetit. Katere pa bi izbrali vi? Do share!

1 – River Island, 2 – River Island, 3 – Persunmall, 4 – , 5 – Choies, 6 – River Island, 7 – , 8 – , 9 – Stradivarius

OOTD: “Good seasons start with good beginnings”

These are from last Saturday, when the sun up high in the sky and I had whole day…