These are from last Saturday, when the sun up high in the sky and I had whole day to myself to go around with the girls, to the garage sale that was happening and enjoy the free day. I should’ve taken the photos of those things, but I was too busy having a great time and having a time off. Instead, I captured what was going on when I got home. Pretty flowers, my casual comfy outfit through the window and our cutie pie of a dog that wanted to cuddle through the fence. Fall can be pretty when it wants to be…
Tole mi je še ostalo od zadnjega vikenda, ko je bil sonček še visoko na nebu in sem imela prelep dan samo zase. Izkoristila sem ga za pohajkovanje s svojimi puncami, s katerimi smo se odpravile tudi na garažno razprodajo, ki se je ravno takrat odvijala v Festivalni dvorani, pa še na sonček in nekaj sladkega. Lahko bi fotografirala kaj od naštetega, pa smo čisto preveč padle v debato, da bi se katera spomnila na fotoaparat. Ah, tako pač je. Sem pa zato malo poklikala pred svojimi vrati in v objektiv ujela našega Ara, ki se je na vsak način hotel božat čez ograjo, pa babičine cvetoče rožice in odsev svojega outfita v oknu.