Search Day Night

Personal: Life & Music

Do you ever feel like your thoughts could be better explained through music? Like you could build a soundtrack of your whole life? Because I do. There are songs out there that feel like they were written just for me. I know lyrics can be just an artistic expression for most of the time, but to me, they can represent a way of conveying thoughts that may be hard to communicate otherwise. I may just start sending people tunes instead of typed replies.

A certain song can be tied to a certain memory, person, feeling and I love that.

pelamarela, blogger, lifestyle, personal, music, life soundtrack, life in music,

I could make a playlist of my complete love life history in a heartbeat, for example. It would arguably include lots of girl-power “i don’t need a man“, some happy “here’s to my soulmate” type of tunes, and the rest would probably be of the “unrequited love” kind. It’s funny how a feeling can come rushing back in a heartbeat when the right tune comes to play. Not just romantic, any kind. Imagine the nostalgia you experience when the song from high school parties comes to the radio. Am I crazy?

I am also one of those that like to share shitload of music on their facebook profile, like constantly. #sorrynotsorry I still like to share a song, with a designated lyrics line, just to hint on what it makes me think. I know, so slick. (not)

On this note, I would paste a long list of songs that perfectly describes my current life mind set, but probably none of you really care about that, so let’s just end this ramble with a question. What song represents your current state of mind? I’m blasting Kiana Ledé – EX, think what you want. ♥

foto by Eva

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