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Ink Stories: Fight

I get asked a lot about my tattoos. What do they mean, why so many. It’s simple, they are a part of me. They represent me and they also guide me. Call me crazy, but I like to believe my tattoos influence my mind. Like they are magical. Okay, it’s all just psychological, but isn’t it cool to have all these positive messages written, guiding you to a better life? They are something I chose to believe in fully conscious, but unconsciously, they still influence me in so many different ways it’s actually crazy.

fight, tattoo, ink, pelamarela, blogger, lifestyle, personal

At first, this one was just my way of rebellion against someone’s ultimatum. “Don’t you dare get another tattoo or we’re done.” Naturally, I went to the tattoo shop the very next chance I got. Granted, the ultimatum didn’t hold, but it was a prophecy that eventually got true. You may say I’m a rebel and I won’t deny it, because it’s actually very very true. Challenge me and I will prove you wrong, just for the sake of it. And that’s where the lightbulb went on.

At the time, I knew I wanted something very, shall we say, profound, but I didn’t yet grasped the whole meaning of my chosen word: Fight. It sounds deep as hell, maybe, but at first it was basically just representing me fighting for my own decisions. It took few years to finally comprehend the whole meaning. And this is only one of my “deep” inks. Each has unique story behind it and each influence me in a different way.

fight, tattoo, ink, pelamarela, blogger, lifestyle, personal

So, what I’m fighting for you may ask? My own life story. At the end of the day, my choices make my life and I want to make them for myself. There might be some regrets at the end, but I want to be solely responsible for that. I don’t want to spend my life whining, but rather fighting.

Story About a Girl: Wanderlust

It’s as natural as breathing. New cultures, new environments, even languages. And it’s not something that was there…