Search Day Night

Story About a Girl: Bumpy Road

Sometimes there are too many bumps for her. Some days are bumpy and long and it seems like everything is falling apart. On those days, she knows she’s too dramatic for her own good. She knows life would be easier if she would stop projecting all the failed scenarios from her head as the end of the world. Always waiting for that grand, big moment, just like in the movies.

Her imagination is too wild for her own sanity. She knows she fantasises too much. She knows real life is not like that at all, but she just can’t help herself. Sometimes she just has to let herself go. Her head is full of dreams, full of could-have-beens, full of what-ifs, full of plans, full of wishes. It doesn’t hurt to dream a little, right? Sometimes pretending the story in her head is real is better than reality. Sometimes she can’t do anything else, but pretend.

pelamarela, blogger, lifestyle, personal, story about a girl, bumpy road

But those are just moments. They pass and she’s back to her usual rational self. Positive thoughts return and life goes back to the usual good times.

*Story About a Girl is a collection of random midnight scribbles about life, written when brain just can’t shut down. Inspired by my own life and thoughts, telling a story through a third person.

What it Means to be an Adult

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to grow up. Not just be old, but…