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Back to School: How to Study

Third week back to school, I feel like I’m getting back to the hang of things. Sort of. And although exam period is still far away, it doesn’t hurt to start preparing sooner, rather than later. Here are few tips, that I’ve collected over last few exam periods – tested and approved!

pelamarela, blogger, lifestyle, personal, school, college, studying, how to, tips, advice, study

Food & drinks

Have snacks always ready, along with a bottle of water, so you don’t have to interrupt the zone while you hydrate. Try and stay on the healthy side of snacks: almonds, pistachios, fruit, crackers, popcorn, rice waffles… I find these “empty” snacks very useful, when the food cravings come from boredom or as procrastination techniques, rather than actual hunger. Of course, don’t forget on regular real meals!

Energy drinks & Caffeine

Coffee is awesome, but the energy crash that may come after, not so much. I’ve mentioned Oh My Glow blend before – it keeps you awake, alert and focused for longer than cuppa joe would. Also, switch to green or black tea sometimes. The body will be thankful for some fresh kick.

pelamarela, blogger, lifestyle, personal, school, college, studying, how to, tips, advice, study


I prefer to study with music in the background, because it helps me focus. The playlist should be mellow and not too in your face. My current favorites: Kygo, Solange (extended playlist can be found in my previous post). If you’re not into music, but still in for some white noise, try the app Coffitivity.

pelamarela, blogger, lifestyle, personal, school, college, studying, how to, tips, advice, study, music


If you have enough self power to study on your own, home desk can be just as good (kudos to you!). Just make sure to get rid of all the distracting factors first. But sometimes going to the library can be very helpful to get you in the zone. Being around others in the same position can inspire you to finally open that book and start working. Also, change of scenery can be very helpful.

pelamarela, blogger, lifestyle, personal, school, college, studying, how to, tips, advice, study


My concentration is not the best, I can’t go more than 1,5 hour at once without any break. I then take a 15 minutes off and do the stupidest things, like play Candy Crush or read gossips to chill. Zone out for few moments, but don’t forget to zone back in. If you have troubles tracking the time, set yourself a timer.

Countdown: V A C A Y

There’s a seat on the plane to Spain, with my name on it and it’s now only a…