Search Day Night

Hello World, Hello Life!

Hello life, I’m back! These were for sure the most intense two months of my life. A complete overload on everything. But I am done now and so ready to start enjoying my well deserved summer! Even though I don’t have any vacations planned yet, I can see this is going to be a great one and I am so so so excited.

hello world, pelamarela, hiatus, blogger, life, study, student, university

Finished with my exams on Friday, but I needed few days all to myself to reset. I am getting my life back on normal tracks now and that means being back to regular blogging as well. I must admit, it’s a lot harder starting again than I thought it will be. It feels a bit strange, but I’m sure once I get into it, I will be back on track in no time. Hopefully, there will be loads of fun summery content for me to share it with you!

What Would I Wear: Summer Edition

When I was studying for my exams, I was procrastinating a lot, I’m not gonna lie. During that…


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