Today my dears, I want to talk to you about a special product. It’s Oh My Glow beauty blend and I really support it. So much, I joined the OMG family and became their ambassador. What is the Oh My Glow blend you ask?
It’s a detoxing beauty blend, packed with 10 nutritious superfoods, powdered into one convenient pouch. In a sea of “super-blends” this one stood out to me, because it doesn’t promise you a dream body in 28 days, but it does promise you a healthier one. And it delivers. I’ve been drinking it in the mornings for more than a month now. I mix it into the smoothies or drink it with just water. The blend tastes like raspberries and it’s very pleasant to drink.
To be honest, I haven’t changed my lifestyle a lot in past few months. I’m vegan and I’ve been going to the gym three times a week, that’s all. Besides that, I eat as usual, which means always and a lot. With Oh My Glow blend, I no longer need coffee to function properly. I can concentrate much better. I don’t feel as bloated as I used to. My skin still needs to clear up, though. But I feel like I get much more out of a day with my pink morning drink.
If anyone wants to join in on the fun pink mornings, you can go on their website and get your pack of health. Also, if you use pela-glow promo code, you can get it 20% cheaper! ;)
They also just launched a brand new 4 week transformation program to go with the blend! Mind, Body, Glow will help you to completely kick start your brand new, healthy lifestyle! In just 4 weeks it will guide you to get happier and more confident; much more organized, productive and energized, even help you get lighter and better skin. A strong community is what is making the brand even more special, that’s why I really recommend this. Enroll on the entire program with lifetime access for just 3,93€ right here on And hurry up, because spots are filling up crazy fast! ♥
*This is a sponsored post, because it contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own and un-edited.
Za probleme s kožo priporočam Lushev Herbalism, če slučajno nisi še sprobala. Plant-based hrana mi je meni zelo spucala kožo, ampak odkar uporabljam Herbalism je pa čista in gladka kot dojenčkova ritka :) mislim, da že več kot leto nisem uporabila kakršnegakoli sredstva za prekrivanje napak na obrazu :) priporočam
Meni je pa ravno zdej vse vn udarlo. Čeprav mam na sumu, da je to kazen vesolja, ker v puberteti nisem mela teh težav. :D Za Herbalism še nisem slišala, bom pa vsekakor zdej prečekirala, tenks! :)