Search Day Night

Photo Story of the Week in Ljubljana

As I count down until next Tuesday and new traveling adventure, I still had some very fun days right here in Ljubljana. I fall in love with my hometown every summer. Walking around, with locals almost gone and tourists invading the city, you get a totally different perspective of the place. It’s almost like being a tourist in your own town and it makes you love it even more. At least I do. :)

1. Impromptu Monday afternoon of making our very first yummy vegi sushi with Julija. It was all gone very quickly. It looks very scary, but it’s actually pretty easy and perfect for a light dinner in this warm weather.

photo story, blogger, pelamarela, august, Ljubljana, outfit, food, summer
photo story, blogger, pelamarela, august, Ljubljana, outfit, food, summer

2. Finally got out this lace top of mine and made a few snaps while on a lunch break. How you make a basic dress you wear all the time appear as new? You put on some layers, preferably light and lacey!

photo story, blogger, pelamarela, august, Ljubljana, outfit, food, summer
photo story, blogger, pelamarela, august, Ljubljana, outfit, food, summer
photo story, blogger, pelamarela, august, Ljubljana, outfit, food, summer

3. After work, I went out with the girls and took these pretty things with me. I know I fell for yet another big trend, but I don’t care. I’m obsessed with strappy shoes and I always will be. By the way, if anyone wonders where I got them, they’re from Aliexpress. :)

blogger, pelamarela, august, Ljubljana, outfit, food, summer

4. Went to the Ljubljana’s castle to watch shooting stars and meteor showers on Wednesday and ended up dancing the night away in city center with the gang. Needless to say I got no sleep whatsoever, but it was so worth it. I love those spontaneous nights that transform into great memories. (still waiting on the disposable camera photos to prove it)

blogger, pelamarela, august, Ljubljana, outfit, food, summer
blogger, pelamarela, august, Ljubljana, outfit, food, summer

5. After that, I basically slept with my eyes open the whole day, due to previous fun night. Went with the first pair of pants that came to hand and as it turns out, they were ripped. No surprise there, huh?

blogger, pelamarela, august, Ljubljana, outfit, food, summer

Happy Friday everyone! Hopefully will be a good one <3

Beauty: Summer Make-up

With a little luck, in summer I finally transition from the fairest to a shade darker tones. That…


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