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Beauty: Summer Make-up

With a little luck, in summer I finally transition from the fairest to a shade darker tones. That means foundation shades need to change. My summer make-up routine? Gets a tiny bit lighter than in winter, but I got so used to the full face she-bang that I don’t mind it even on the hottest days. A good foundation is something you get addicted to very quickly, don’t you agree?

pelamarela, blogger

foundation mix: I got so used to mixmatching my foundation, I do it in the summer as well. One is yellow toned and the other one rose toned. That way I get that balanced exact shade out. Right now, I progressed from MAC NC15 to NC 20 and from L’Oreal’s Vanilla to Revlon’s Natural Beige. A week of sea sun and here we finally are.

Instead of eye shadows, I oftener use just tiny bit of eyeliner, so I don’t have to deal with creasing. Cat eye isn’t my strong suit, but a very thin line right above lash line, that I can handle. :) If I use any shadows, it’s going to be one from the Naked 3 palette, the best palette out there.

Hello London!

Two happy kiddos booked plane tickets few months ago, hoping to get another week of unforgettable memories. Now…