Search Day Night

Outfit: Let us dance in the sun

Will I sound boring and repetitive if I say I’m so excited for this lovely sunny, summer-ish weather? Well, I don’t care! A college party here, Friday after work beer and spontaneous Sunday movie night there, weeks are turning into never-ending party and I love it. I decided to ditch the couch and take action.

So what if I need twice as big coffee in the morning, life is just so much better with a good company and sun high on the sky. This outfit below is from traditional weekly lunch with Eva last week and you can see that previously mentioned dresses over ripped pants obsession is still going strong! Even though black may not be the wisest choice for the heat wave we were experiencing, the flowiness of this boho dress made it all worth it.

Outfit,, blogger, fashion
Outfit,, blogger, fashion
Outfit,, blogger, fashion

photos by Eva

Books, Books, Books.

They say students of humanistic programs should always carry around at least one book and while I certainly…