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How to Get Rid of Winter Blues?

It’s no secret winter can be heavy to get through, one way or another. It’s easier to get comfy on the couch and forget about the reality. When the (cold) real world doesn’t sound as good as hiding under the warmest blanket and re-watch old Friends episodes… Add all the stress from exam period and you’re bound to be stuck under there forever, letting life pass you by while you doze off. Melancholy, anxiety, apathy, even depression can come knocking soon. How to prevent that? The easy answer would be, less time on the couch, but how to accomplish that? Let’s see.

1. Get your sleeping cycle on track. Believe me, it helps a lot when you get whole 8 hours of sleep every night.

2. Switch TV for book. Try putting down all electronics before you go to sleep and instead picking up a good book. Doesn’t have to be a hard classic at all, shallower it is, easier is to doze off, I discovered.

3. Socialize. Don’t close yourself up. Yes, it’s still cold and you have long to-do list, but one coffee a week with friends won’t hurt your schedule, nor you. If your schedule allows, try and fill your day with activities as much as possible.

4. Eat, think, listen happy. That’s important – Don’t give into the negativity! Try creating new memories, instead of re-living the old ones.

5. Dress with feeling. It may sound funny, but dressing according to what you feel definitely helps lift your spirits. So don’t just pick up the first shirt that comes under your fingers, think about what would make you feel better and dress the part! (even if that means going all black for a month straight…)


Links à la Mode: The IFB Weekly Roundup – 5th March

Fashion Junkie once again got featured in the IFB Weekly Roundup, this time with a post about getting…


  1. Great post! My favorite tip to beat the winter blahs is to get out and do something. I know it’s cold and bah humbug and all that, but like you said coffee with friends will not kill your productivity and it’s indoors so you’ll be warm.

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