Search Day Night

Beauty: Hair Inspiration

Browsed through my photo roll, found lots of unused shots of my hair and thought I’d do a little post to show you how I usually rock my now pretty long mane when it’s not just down straight.

Call it a little hair inspiration post, shall we?

Having long hair can sometimes be quite a mess especially in winter when you’re wrapped in big scarves, so braids and buns of all sorts are a very good solution. What’s your favorite? Share it down below :)


fashion junkie, blogger, inspiration, beauty, waves
fashion junkie, blogger, inspiration, beauty, waves

Half Bun

fashion junkie, blogger, inspiration, beauty, half bun, hair
fashion junkie, blogger, inspiration, beauty, half bun, hair
fashion junkie, blogger, inspiration, beauty, low bun

Low Bun

fashion junkie, blogger, inspiration, beauty, low bun

High Braid

fashion junkie, blogger, inspiration, beauty, high braid
fashion junkie, blogger, inspiration, beauty, high braid

Mid-week Inspiration

While I slowly get my life mojo back, I thought I’d do so some mid-week inspiration post. Because…