Search Day Night

Happy Birthday to Fashion Junkie!

If there are usually “the terrible twos” stages with kids, I certainly had my “terrible fours” stage with blog this year. That’s why I’m even more excited to turn the new leaf and celebrate 5th blog birthday! Gosh. Can you believe it? When I almost thought this is coming to an end, the story got new chapter. Fashion Junkie now isn’t just a baby, not even a toddler anymore, it’s a proper child!

So… What happened this year?

  • published 109 posts
  • FJ moved its HQs – to WordPress and changed clothes
  • it was featured on Independent Fashion Bloggers in Links à la Mode, one, two, three times
  • got invited to one of the first proper showrooms outside Slovenia
  • got its own FJ T-shirt

Thank you! Without you, this wouldn’t be half as exciting as it is. <3


OOTD: Streets of Rome

New year now officially started, but before really diving in, I wanted to dream about my recent trip…


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