It may be a bit late to talk about resolutions and I actually thought about not doing them this year, since they usually don’t stick for very long. Nevertheless, I changed my mind. What I’m basically aiming for in 2015 is continuing on writing my story.
Self improvement, adventure, success and sometimes even a bit of failure. As long as I’m moving and going towards something I’m all in. The list isn’t long, but it is inspiring and that’s what counts on the end, right?
1. Meditate more
When insomnia strikes, only clearing the mind helps. And I’ve been a terrible sleeper lately.
2. Become conscious eater
What you eat makes who you are and I want to be a good person.
3. Take chances
– Satisfy my travel bug? Book me a ticket! – Want those shoes? I’ll get them! – Like the guy? I’ll go for it. – Be up until morning? Why the heck not. – New computer? I’ll save up! Life’s just too short to keep ourselves going mad over “what ifs”.
4. Do “me” more
The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself and it’s the one I want to work on the most this year. The feeling of discovering and enjoying yourself is so refreshing, it’s almost addictive.