Search Day Night

New: Call it Baby Blue!

Say hi to my new baby, baby Blue! He’s the best birthday present I got yesterday, from my mom. We just picked it up and I’m seriously in love with it! Aah, imagine it with the straw basket and some flowers… It will be dreamy!

It was hard to say goodbye to my oldie goldie, he was my companion for so many years and changed his looks almost as often as me (from original, to more colorful and totally different). But I’m very happy mom convinced me I need a new one! Although I loved the old one, it was very hard to drive around, especially compared to this.

The first destination was the city center, we went by the open kitchen and treated ourselves with some yummy gelato to celebrate. We were so hyped after the first stroll (or ice cream), we had to take few pictures. (Also, my mom is getting really into selfies, whaat?!) Judging by my excitement, I’d say you’ll see a lot more of this Blue boy! Happy weekend everyone!


Weekly inspiration

Isn’t it great, when you get this feeling summer has finally arrived? My vacations are now really over,…


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