A weekend with barely any internet connection was quite refreshing. (With all the partying I didn’t even had time for it of course, even if the internet would work…)
Not to mention how much reading and catching up I got now that I’m finally home. I love going places, but I also love spending the nights at my place, just chilling and browsing through everything I missed while I was gone, charging my batteries with some alone time. And now I can finally get around to write up all my Italy impressions and perhaps few longer posts, which were waiting by for so long now.
For today’s post, I went for the big inspirational one, as I skipped quite a few in last month. And I’m full of it, so I thought I’d shared it with you. Yes? Yes, okay! It’s a mix of somewhat springish and summerish things, just like the weather here is more like in April than in July. Not giving up on my dream of shorts and pretty dresses though… Have a good Tuesday!
Photos from: Sincerely, Jules, Fashion Toast, Ring My Bell, Chapter Friday, other blogs and tumblrs