Yes, I’m almost 22 and I went to the One Direction concert. So what?! P.s., I’m writing this about an hour after the concert, so excuse my over-excitement.
Why? Because I quite like their songs and because I simply wanted to go on a concert. It was my first time going on a big stadium and One Direction felt like perfect choice for that. You may say this group is for teenagers, but I don’t care. I enjoy music and that’s it.
Back to Sunday, it was epic. The fact that it was a rainy day and they were playing on the open stadium, on stage with no roof above them, was very cool. I know performing is their job, but honestly I didn’t think they would go on in that storm, although they did seem to have so much fun jumping around in the rain. They made a good show with fireworks, good music and funny jokes. Even though I’m half deaf and voiceless right now from all the screaming, it was worth it!
No, jaz sem 29, pa sem šla na njihov koncert…sicer delno službeno, delno zaradi nečakinje, ampak po koncertu sem lahko rekla “I am a fan!” :D res je blo super, svojevrstna izkušnja, sploh če si bolj spredaj, zmečkan med vsemi najstnicami in povsem premočen :) ampak ja, it was worth it! :)
Definitivno je bilo vredno! Kapo dol predvsem vsem, ki ste se še fino namočili spredaj :)