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Blog Talk: Fashion Junkie 4.0

Aah, you have no idea how good and liberating it feels that this new blog design and everything behind it is out. Sure, it’s just a new look, but it was my work for the last few months, it’s my passion. And since some of you wanted little more geeky, blog talks, I thought I’d start with introducing the changes that happened here and then you’d tell me what you’d like to know more about, okay?

design, html, new look, blog, fashion junki
  • Blogging Platform
  • Design
  • Sleek sidebar
  • “Pin it”
design, html, new look, blog, fashion junki

Hopefully with this new exciting look and platform there will be a new wind of much needed inspiration and motivation. And I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I enjoy making it (which I really do)!


Let’s talk: Power of clothing

Do you have your favorite piece of wardrobe on the whole planet and when everything else fails, this…


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