Search Day Night

Weekly inspiration

Ugh, just a thought about going out in this icey-snowy weather is making me shiver! But as we all, I’ll too have to get out and face the cold… Due to this freezefest outside, I’m inserting a little bare skin in todays collage, to make us remember the warmer days. But back to more positive things, my skin is now completely back to normal, thanks to prescribed face creams and loots of water, yaay! I can now go back to stop hiding my face and enjoy make up again. I wish you all a good week!

Uf, če samo pomislim na to sneženo in zamrznjeno vreme zunaj me kar strese. Nažalost se bom, tako kot vsi, tudi jaz morala soočiti z mrazom, in to kar kmalu… Na čast freezefesta zunaj, sem v današnji kolaž insertala malo gole kože, samo toliko, da ne pozabimo na toplejše dneve. Zdaj pa nazaj k bolj pozitivnim stvarem. Moja zdrava koža je končno nazaj, zahvaljujoč lekarniškim kremicam in velikoo vode, juhej! Zdaj se lahko končno neham skrivati za šalom in uživam v mejkapu. Pa lep ponedeljek!

Photos from: Style Scrapbook, Lovely Pepa, Soraya Bakhtiar, other blogs and tumblrs

New: Statement Jewelry

Statement jewelry is so on right now, I decided to get some for myself! It’s all Ebay, so…


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