Search Day Night

Weekly inspiration

Here comes the first ordinary week of the year. I’m planning on spending it behind the work desk and books. Since exams are almost here, it means the end of social life for another month. But in the end it’s gonna be worth it. As you can see, I’m still in my black&white, with 50 shades of gray kinda mood. And since the sales are officially starting today, I’m kinda hoping I could score some pretty winter pieces to add to the collection… Let me know if you find something cool!

No pa je tu prvi navaden teden leta. Jaz ga nameravam preživeti v delovno in za knjigami. Glede na to, da so izpiti že skoraj tu, dajem na pavzo vse svoje socialno življenje za naslednji mesec. Ampak na koncu bo vredno, usaj upam. Sicer pa sem več kot očitno še vedno v svojem črno belem s 50 odtenki sive razpoloženju, in glede na to, da se danes uradno začenjajo razprodaje, upam da dodam še kakšen kos svoji kolekciji. Pa poročajte, če najdete kaj pametnega!

Photos from: random blogs and tumblr

OOTD: The Last of 2013

This was shot few days before New Year, on the relaxing (yummy breakfast + shopping, it almost can’t…