Search Day Night

OOTD: SammyDress Top

Here comes the SammyDress part two. And this means the good part! Although this top was supposed to be longer (you can see it here), I still love it. The material feels great and it’s good to finally have a top with long sleeves (yes, I didn’t own any of those before). Here I paired it with my colorful striped skirt and dotted tights, which you could also saw in the previous OOTD.

Danes je na vrsti drugi del mojega SammyDress podviga. In to ta boljši del! Čeprav bi majčka po informacijah s spletne strani morala biti malce daljša in širša, je vseeno super. Ravno prave velikosti je, udobna je, pa tudi material je na otip zelo prijeten. Tu sem jo skombinirala s svojim pisanim črtastim krilcem in pikastimi žabami. Škoda, da je zunaj že premrzlo…

Top – SammyDress, Skirt, thighs – H&M, Boots – Asos

Weekly inspiration

Ugh, just a thought about going out in this icey-snowy weather is making me shiver! But as we…