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Friday Fashion Favorite: Sneakers

Putting on a pair of high top sneakers is actually very refreshing, may I say. I put on my old, but forgotten about Nikes recently and it felt like I’m walking on clouds. I instantly remembered why I used to live in those… I loved them that much, that I’m declaring it as the Fashion Favorite this week! If you want to ditch the boots occasionally, this is the right choice. Have a great Friday!

Obut hajtopke v tem času je v bistvu prav osvežujoče, če se lahko temu tko reče. Jaz sem na plano privlekla svoje stare in skoraj pozabljene Najkice in se z njimi na nogah počutila kot da hodim po oblakih. Seveda mi je takoj ratalo jasno zakaj sem včasih skoraj živela v njih… In spet sem jih vzljubila, celo tako so mi všeč, da jih ta teden razglašam za svoj najbljubši modni kos! Če si vsake toliko zažlite sezuti škornje bo to taprava rešitev. Pa lep petek vam želim!

Weekly inspiration

All students out there would probably agree with me when I say I want this month to end…