Search Day Night

What Would I Wear: New Years Eve

And the last day is here! 2013 is finally ending and I just hope the 2014 will be better. I wish all of you a great night spent with the people you love. I still don’t know where I’ll be spending mine, but if I end up spending it outside, this is kinda what I’d wear. A midi dress with warm cardigan and leather jacket and burgundy accessories. Cozy, but still fashionable. Have a great 2014!

Zadnji dan! 2013 se končno končuje in upam, da bo 2014 veliko boljše. Vsem vam želim, da zadnji večer preživite s svojimi najbližjimi. Jaz še vedno ne vem kje bom preživela svojega, če pa končam nekje zunaj pa je tole tisto kar bi oblekla. Dolga obleka z toplo jopico, usnjeno jakno in temno rdečimi dodatki. Udobno in toplo, ampak še vedno stajliš. Želim vam super 2014!

Capture December Recap

Well, I wasn’t the best at this challenge, but I managed to finish it. Here’s a little recap…