Search Day Night

OOTD: Who are you supposed to be today?

I don’t know if the make up was intentionally coordinated with my outfit, or it was just my instincts getting it right, but it felt perfect. You know that feeling when you put on something in he morning and through out the day you really feel like this was meant for who I was supposed to be today? I felt just like that. I just love days like that. That’s why I had to make the OOTD post out of it, and of course to show off the awesome make up a little bit more, ddd.

A veste tisti občutek, ko se zjutraj oblečeš in se čez dan dobro počutiš in veš, da je bilo to točno to kar si si danes želela biti? No, tako sem se jaz počutila v soboto in res obožujem take dneve. Seveda sem morala iz tega narediti OOTD post, no, pa še malo pokazat svoj super mejkap, ddd.

Dress – Forever21, Cardigan – Zara, Boots – Kurt Geiger, Jacket – ebay, Beanie – Asos, Bag – secondhand

P.s.: And no, I don’t have orange hair, I don’t know what happened here?! *making a hairdresser appointment right now*

Hello December!

I can’t believe it’s already December, can you? The snow is slowly coming to town, Christmas decoration is…