Search Day Night

OOTD: Wednesday Night Out

So, did you guess? I went for the boots without the heel. Thankgod, because I’d probably be more on the floor than on feet… Yes, we had a wonderful night! Cocktails, girl talk, it’s like a real therapy! I used this opportunity to take my lovely grey coat and dark lips out for a spin. It’s getting so cold out here, I guess the winter is almost here… You guys have a lovely weekend!

In, ste uganili?? Po celodnevnem premisleku sem se odločila za škornje brez petke. Hvalaboguu, verjetno bi sicer večkrat bila na vseh štirih kot pa samo na dveh… Ja, imele sva se super! Koktaili in babji čvek je bil točno to kar sem potrebovala, popolna terapija! Za to priložnost sem (končno) ven potegnila svoj sivi plašč in izkoristila večer za malo temno rdeče šminke. Pa lep vikend!

Weekly inspiration

The same old story with the weekend ending is happening all over again. Why does it have to…