Search Day Night

Beauty Workshop with Maja Šušnjara

This past Saturday I got an amazing opportunity to be a part of a beauty workshop by Philips, where we got to listen to a dermatologist about what’s good for our skin annnddd get make up tips from Maja Šušnjara, one of the best make up artists in Slovenia! I was lucky to be her face model for the day, so by the time she was done, I almost didn’t recognize myself in the mirror. It felt almost therapeutic to sit on that chair and feel those brushes sweeping on my face, I love that feeling! Outfit shots are coming tomorrow (as you can see I ditched the pants), but down below are some snaps of the workshop and lovely Maja!

V soboto sem imela neverjetno priložnost sodelovati na lepotni delavnici, kot model naši super vizažistki Maji Šušnjari! Ker obožujem svoj jutranji čas pred ogledalom, še bolj pa ko me liči nekdo drug, je bilo sedeti na tistem stolu prav terapevtsko, rezultat pa seveda božanski! Outfit fotke vam pokažem jutri, danes pa si lahko ogledate kako super fino smo se imeli na delavnici.

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