Search Day Night

What Would I Wear: Lace Top

I came across this beige lace top and now it won’t leave my head. I may or may not order something similar from a certain online shop recently, so now it’s just a matter of time before I will actually wear a variation of this outfit below. I’m well aware I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but I really do love those simple looks, with adding just a touch of something special.

Tale bež čipkast top mi ne gre iz glave že cel teden, zato sem ga seveda morala vključit v svoj Kaj bi oblekla post. Skombinirala sem ga z samimi klasikami – črnimi skinny hlačami in škorenjčki, ki nam bodo kmalu prišli še kako prav. Vem, da se ponavljam kot pokvarjen CD, ampak taki preprosti looki, ki jim dodaš samo še pikico nečesa posebnega, so the best!

Weekly inspiration

Even though there were sunny and beautiful days outside, I’m feeling kinda bleh and I can’t help it.…


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