Search Day Night

Weekly inspiration

I’m still deep down in my black hole, occasionally adding bit of jeans or white, but mostly, going for all black. It’s simple, classic and timeless. The gloomy days are upon us and I just can’t be bothered with colors. I admit, I’m kinda boring lately when it comes to dressing up, hence no outfit posts. I’ll try and be better this week. Happy Monday!

Še vedno tičim v svoji črni luknji, slepa za vse ostale barve. Občasna bela in malo jeansa ne šteje. Kdo bi se lahko uprl taki večni in preprosti klasiki… Priznam, da sem zadnje čase precej dolgočasna kar se tiče oblačenja, zato se niti ne trudim z outfit fotkami. Mogoče mi pa ta teden uspe. Vesel ponedeljek!

Photos from: This chick’s got style, Frassy, Anoushka Proetta Brandon, Le Flassh, Blonde Salad, Lovely Pepa, Ring My Bell

Paris Fashion Week 2013: Elie Saab Ready To Wear

Let’s pretend for a minute that I’m “real and true fashion blogger” and look over to the catwalks.…