Search Day Night

Weekly inspiration

Even though there were sunny and beautiful days outside, I’m feeling kinda bleh and I can’t help it. Can’t really put my finger on what is making me not happy and not interested, but something is definitely there. Let’s just hope new week also brings better mood!

Oh, and in case you didn’t know that before, you can follow me on my Tumblr Keep calm and be stylish where I post everything that inspires me on a daily basis! I’m a big reblogoholic, so there’s a lot to see… Happy Monday!

Ne vem točno kaj me daje zadnje dni, ampak moje počutje bi lahko opisala z eno besedo: bleh. Upam, da bo ta teden prinesel kakšno bolj pozitivno razpoloženje. Glede na to da je ponedeljek, vas zapuščam z enim mini kolažem stylingov, ki me trenutno navdihujejo (čeprav me je tud inspiracija bolj kot ne pustila na cedilu). Pa sej že veste kako to gre.

Če si slučajno zaželite še več, vas vabim na svoj Tumblr Keep calm and be stylish, kjer kot zvesti reblogoholik reblogam vse kar mi je v tistem trenutku všeč.

Photos from: LLYMLRS, Ring My Bell, Styleheroine, Vivaluxury, other blogs and tumblrs

Shopping: Winter Boots

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