What a busy past week… I was working and running around like a crazy person, trying to get things done, since bad karma still hasn’t left the building the week wasn’t that pleasant and there wasn’t any time left to blog, until the weekend. Then, I took the time and did a little maintenance on the design and function, as well as wrote down some posts. I’m trying to take this to the next level and I’m as decided as ever to make it a success. Can you spot the changes? I made some things more visible and I hope you’ll like it and it’ll make site even more useful.
Now to the point of the post – inspiration! I’ve got completely into the Fall, hence my all black wardrobe whole week. I currently have some sort of preppy fever, with classics as white button down, jeans or black pants. I just can’t be bothered to think about any other combinations. Minimal and classic – my motto for fall!
No, pa sem se tudi jaz končno odločila pisat tudi v slovenščini – ena izmed “izboljšav” v zadnji seriji upgrejdov bloga, ki ga bodo (vsaj upam) naredile boljšega. Zanimivo kako pisanje html kod in dizajniranje pasic in naslovk človeka sprosti. Po napornem tednu, na žalost še vedno polnem slabe karme, je bilo to točno to kar sem potrebovala, da si odpočijem in dobim zagon za nove izzive, ki prihajajo. Nov teden tako (kot ponavadi) začenjam z inspiracijskim postom, polnim klasik primernih tudi za jesen. Ta je zdaj tudi uradno tu, moja go to stvar zadnje dni pa je črna, ki se je sploh ne morem naveličat. Mogoče zveni dolgočasno, ampak včasih paše.
Photos from: Lovely by Lucy, Intrigue me now, Zorannah’s Fashion Corner, other blogs and tumblrs