Search Day Night

London Haul

Finally London haul! I’ve had this post half done this whole past week, I just didn’t have time to finish it. But now it’s done, yay! I decided to feature just the beauty part, because I’m the most excited about it. I did bought some clothes, but not much and really nothing that interesting. I already tried almost everything and I’m very happy with what I got.

No, pa sem se končno uspela usest in spisat tale post do konca. Odločila sem se, da vam (vsaj za začetek) pokažem samo najzanimivejši del svojega šopinga in to je kozmetika. Preizkusila sem že skoraj vse in vse je odlično.

Sooo, let’s start with make up. Benefit is one of my favorites for a long time, but this is the first time I got the Hello Flawless foundation and let me tell you, it’s truly amazing! With the Stay Flawless primer, they’re perfect combination. Girl at the counter also convinced me to buy the new blush called Rockateur and I’m glad I listened. It was a little bit more on the pricier side, but I believe in investing into good essentials, which these definitely are. Another thing I was really excited to try was Topshop cosmetic, so I picked up the two Lip Crayons, Magic Liner and Brighten highlighter. So far, I’ve tried the eyeliner, which I loove for its precision, and the Lip Crayons, which are also amazing. I’m not really a lipstick person, but these crayons convinced me to wear some color on my lips more often.

Benefit je že dolgo ena izmed mojih najbljuših znamk make-upa, ki pa je nažalost pri nas nimamo. V Londonu sem se zato založila in si kupila novo podlago Hello Flawless in primer Stay Flawless. Po celotedenskem preizkušanju lahko rečem, da sta res odlična kombinacija, ki vam jo res res priporočam. Privoščila sem si še čisto nov blush Rockateur, ki je sedaj stalnica na mojih ličkih, pa čeprav se blushem prej nikoli nisem kaj prav dosti posvečala. Naslednja znamka ličil, ki sem si jo že dolgo želela preizkusit, pa je pri nas seveda tudi ni možno dobiti, je Topshop. Slišala sem že ogromno pohval, sama pa sem se odločila za eyeliner, highlighter in dve šminki v obliki barvice. Sicer nisem ravno tip za šminke, ampak tele so me prepričale in sedaj tudi jaz večkrat obarvam svoje ustnice.

The second part mainly consists of Soap&Glory goodies, which are all travel sizes, because I just couldn’t decide which to choose, so I went with all. I bought hair shampoo and conditioner, body wash, hand creme and two body scrubs. So far, I’ve only tried the scrubs and they smell delicious. I also finally got myself the Tangle Teezer, which is ah-mazing. I’d brush my hair all day long with it, if I could. The last thing is this pink comb-in hair color I got at Urban Outfitters. It will be perfect for the summer or some party, or even just like that, if I ever want to spice up my hair.

V navalu navdušenja nad Soap&Glory se nisem mogla odločit kaj naj vzamem, zato sem vzela kar vse, v malih flaškah. Vse diši božansko! Končno sem si tudi omislila Tangle Teezer, ki je bil eden mojih najboljših nakupov. Zadnja stvar, pa je roza barva za lase, ki bo super za poletje, ali pa kar tako ko si bom zaželela malo spremembe.

Red Lipstick

Give a girl a day off, new exciting make up to try out, great lighting and a camera…


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