Search Day Night

Weekly inspiration

After almost a week of vacations, I am pretty excited being back in the city, returning to the usual habits. I’m making a resolution to be very productive till the end of August and I hope I succeed.

Even though the temperatures are still quite high and not remotely ready for warmer wardrobe, I’ve been kinda slowly gravitating towards Fall types of clothing more and more. Today the long jeans, tomorrow more layers and then before you’ll know it, I’ll be full clothed on a 30 degree. But still, I’m counting down the days to London, because I know my Fall wardrobe is waiting for me there. I wish you a great Monday and even better week!

photos from: Style Scrapbook, Angelica Blick, Frassy, Collage Vintage, Mode Junkie, Song of Style, other blogs and tumblrs

OOTD: Black & Jeans

I told you, I’m getting my long pants out! This was taken yesterday after a good lunch and…