Search Day Night

Style Crush: Lauren Conrad

My obsession with Lauren is already well known, so there is no surprise she’s next on my Style Crush list! I love how she keeps it minimal and simple with just one piece standing out and she’s never all over the place. She pretty much just makes the basic work together perfectly. Aah, and my obsession with her curls… The third pair of pictures I’m bringing with me on the next hairdresser appointment when my hair finally grows out, (without the blond part of course) because I can never get it right at home…

I could go on and on about how I also love her make up and how obsessed I am with her books and how she just inspires me with her style and her Style book is my bible, but you get the point of this post already I think.

Insta July

The start of August for me always meant only a month before school and that always brought mixed…


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