Search Day Night

OOTD: Birthday White Dress

Although the pictures were taken by the phone and aren’t that good, because of the bad lighting, I still wanted to share my birthday outfit with you. I went to the dinner and drinks with the boy on Friday and wore my new white dress that I finally found, with my favorite flats and bag this summer. It was one of the hottest nights so far, so I didn’t need anything else.

And even though the night was uneventful, I still had fun with my favorite person! It was one of the good birthdays and I must say, being 21 has been treating me pretty good so far…

Dress – H&M, Flats – Zara, Bag – second hand, Bracelets – ebay, Cruciani, Lencia, gifts

Style Crush: Lauren Conrad

My obsession with Lauren is already well known, so there is no surprise she’s next on my Style…


  1. Fuul lepa obleka! :) Je to tista iz H&Ma, ki ima zadrgo? Ko sem jo pomerjala sem mislila da gre zadrga zadaj ampak če se prav spomnim gre spredaj? Ampak tako res veliko boljše zgleda. :) Jaz sem malo obsedena z belimi oblekami, mam že 3. :D

  2. To je ta ja, sem tudi jaz čist avtomatično probala z zadrgo zadaj in sm pogruntala potem da je spredaj, ampak mi nekako ni všeč, tko da sm jo rajši obrnila pa odrezala vse etikete in se sploh ne opazi :D
    Tut jaz mam obsesijo z belim nasploh, vse kar je belo mora bit mojee :D

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