The day has finally arrived, I’m turning 21 today, yay! And it gets better, I actually have a plan want I’ll be doing whole day, which doesn’t include any TV or boredom! The candle on my little cake represents my new year and when blowing it, I wished for it to be everything I ever imagined. Well, I wished for something in specific, but we all know if I tell you, it won’t come true…
Below is my favorite song these days, I will be playing it on repeat the whole day, because what the heck, it’s MY BIRTHDAY!
Vse najboljše, lepo praznuj, pa želim ti še veliko dobrih objav! :)
Najlepša hvalaa :D
Uuuu vse najboljše! :D
Vse najboljseeeeee!
Zelim ti vse kar si sama zelis pa, da bi se naprej tok fajn blogala:)))
Hvaalaa :D
Hvaaalaaaaa :D
Beautiful post. A bit too late, but happy birthday.
Style of Purity
Vse najboljše pa čeprav 2 dni prepozno :D
In sem zeloooo vesela, da si spremenila komentatorsko okence :P
hvaalaa :)
sem ugotovila, da je bloggerjev način vseeno boljši :D
Thanks! :)
Vse najboljše, malo z zamudo! :))
xx, moonchild beauty blog
Hvaala :)