Search Day Night

Outfit of the Day: Finding Myself

If you’re wondering how I decided yesterday, here’s the answer! I went with the clear white, as it’s the most versatile of all and it seemed a nice change from all the darker shades. Decided to get in the gelish way, as my nails usually chip and break incredibly fast, so we’ll see how long these will last. All in all, I’m very happy with the results and I have a feeling this will become my thing.

Don’t know why, but these stairs of mine, that lead to grandma’s garden, are very easy to use for a photoshoot, especially when self-timer is the only solution. I used them yesterday to quickly show you my outfit, which was kinda a very nice change from just jeans and T-shirt, that I usually throw on these days. And it felt great too! I’ve been feeling a little lost lately, and not really myself, but yesterday I’ve got some of the good old me back. Incredible, what a manicure and the right outfit can do for a girl…

Dress – H&M, Top – Topshop, Rings – H&M, family heirloom

Blog Talk: Ideas & Updates

Still here! I had this big exam today and had to study aloot whole week and I am…


  1. Luškanaa!

    Jaz sem tudi nekaj časa nazaj imela bele nohte narejene z gel lakom, ampak mi ni več kot 5 dni zdržalo, preden se mi je začelo lomit.

    Ti maš z gelom al z gel lakom?
    Naj ti dobro drži! ;)

  2. arees, joj, jz upam da mi zdrži vsaj en teden (že to bo dosežek za moje nohtke).
    Hm, nanašala mi je gel, zgledal je nekako tako kot gelirani umetni nohti samo brez konic :)
    Hvaalaa :D

  3. Pol sem pa skoro ziher, da ti bo super držalo. Ena punca, s katero sem hodila na en tečaj, je imela več kot en mesec to gor, pa je blo perfektno. Sem že mislila, da si je šla na novo delat, ampak ne (:

  4. Zaenkrat mi super drži. :))

    Edino pri meni je problem, da ko mi je dolgčas začnem prčkat nohte in takrat mi gre ponavadi vse dol, pa je lahko še tko trdno prilimano, tko da morm zdej najt nekaj da me bo zamotilo :)

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