Search Day Night

Beauty: Essie nailpolishes

A bit different post that you are used to get from me, but I really have to share these amazing nail polishes. I have pretty poor nails, they can’t grow very long, they’re short and I’ve pretty much gave up on putting on any nail polish, because it chips off after only few hours. Pretty sad considering my enormous nail polish collection…

A while back I discovered this Essie Grow stronger polish and let me tell you, it does wonders, I’m not kidding. If you have bad nails like me, I highly recommend. At the time I also got another one (Buy Me a Cameo) and it lasted for whole week. Week! My nails never lasted so long, never! Not even when I get manicure at salon. So imagine my excitement when I saw the Essie stand in local drugstore yesterday. I had to get another one immediately! This one is a more neutral and everyday appropriate, it’s called Sand Tropez. Can you tell I’m in love with them?

Just so we’re clear, this is not a sponsored post, I just had to share my excitement!

Wishlist: Window Shopping

There are things that you always look, but never buy. I have a rather small wishlist of things…


  1. I'm SUCH an Essie fan… Impossible to say my favourite though, might do a post on them soon xo

  2. Hey, lihkar sem odkrila tvoj blog, sem kar malo začudena, da ga še ne poznam :). Skratka, super je!

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