Search Day Night

Weekly inspiration

My head is already almost at summer, while apparently the winter still hasn’t left the building. I am really getting sick of this snow outside, can we please get to the spring already?? I want sun, warm weather, thin clothes and sunglasses!

I don’t know why, but recently I’ve been changing my style around a bit. The change is probably more noticeable on my Tumblr than here, but I’m definitely getting inspired by different things than before. And I kinda like it, but we’ll see how that goes. But right now, I hope you all have the best Monday possible!

photos from: This Chick’s Got Style, Alexa Dagmar, Mode Junkie, Zorannah’s Fashion Corner, Beauty Crush, Shipped from Venus, Song of Style, other blogs and tumblrs

How to: Wear Glasses and Be Stylish

Adding variety to the basics of a well-stocked closet is all you will ever need to dress for…


  1. Here's not a one single picture I wouldn't like!!

    Love, love, love ♥ ♥ ♥


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