After Tuesday, there’s all kinda blurry. But the reason wasn’t some substance, much more the lack of sleep I got since then. We went out that day and danced till dawn and since I worked on Wednesday I just changed clothes, ate half of breakfast and didn’t sleep at all. Unfortunately for me, I had quite few busy days ahead, planning boy’s birthday, baking the valentines surprise and finishing the school essay, so I finally got to sleep on Friday.
But it was all worth it, we had so much fun, dressing up as Kardashians (I was supposed to be Kourtney if you don’t recognize it) and having a chance to wear heels out again, after quite a while. And today, after another night out, this time celebrating the boy, I will spend the day laying on the couch, being lazy as much as I can, because tomorrow is the first day of a new semester, which means busy busy me again.
Hope you all enjoy your weekend!