There’s still snow outside, but I’m already dreaming about spring and thinner clothes. Did a little searching and came up with a small list of things, perfect for warmer days.
The idea of buying some wedge sneakers is still something I think about, but the oxfords are definitely on the list!
Since all my old bags are getting old and very used, I think I need a new one, and this would do perfectly.
My leather jackets is falling apart, so it’s time to get a new one. Parka and trench coat are just too pretty to pass it up also.
Ear cuffs
I always loved bold jewelry and now I’m switching from rings to ear cuffs.
Oh yes, js bom umrla če še marca ne dobim nove torbice. Iz kje je tale? I prosim ne rečt Zara :D
Enako! :D Tale je iz, kjer majo kr veliko izbiro “inspiriranih” torbic znanih firm, upam pa da glede na ceno, da so bolj kvalitetne kot tiste iz ebaya :)
Našla sem ga na ebayu – vrjetno kopija Burberrya :)
Iz kje je tale trench coat? Ful dobr zgleda :D