Search Day Night

2013 Resolutions

While I’m laying at home, asking myself with what I deserved this nasty cold, I also got the time to write down my New Year’s resolutions. I love to wonder and make up stories about how I’ll keep them, but truthfully I gave them up as soon as I actually have to get off my butt and do something. Buuut, this year (I hope) is gonna be different. This year I picked out just those that I’ll genuinely try and keep them. Well, if you count out the shoe part of course.

So, this year I will:

Continue with exercising – This school year I got myself together and started working out on regular basis. And I hope it stays that way even in 2013.

Put school first! – Past year let’s just say school wasn’t really at the top of my priorities list. But this year I am determined to make it my number one thing!

Stay true to myself – Keeping it real. Why try and pretend to be someone else if the best you can do is be yourself.

Less spending money on clothes and shoes, especially shoes – This gets on a list every year and every time I am unsuccessful at achieving it. What can I say, I’m a shopaholic!

Keep on writing the blog and making it even better! – Every new year that pass by, I realize even more, how I love doing this and every year I promise myself I’ll do even better.

Happy Birthday Fashion Junkie!

Can’t believe it? Me neither! I can’t believe it has already been 3 year since I started this…