Search Day Night

Outfit of the day: Raspberry Roses

It was one of the last pretty weather days, or at least no rain and reasonable temperatures day and it was also a day when I finally got my birthday gift from my aunt. These awesome custom All Stars, designed by me and my cousin! And yes, they are pink. I like how they’re a bit childish and most of all, not black, like majority of my shoes.

Since Converse doesn’t ship to Europe at all, it took a while for them to come but they’re here. My cousin has the same design and it’s kinda awesome that we are the only two persons that have the exact same shoe.

Unfortunately hers are still not here, but when they arrive, expect a mini photo shooting of us, strutting around in same shoes!

Jacket, Black Top – Vintage, White Dress – Primark, Sneakers – Converse, Ring – Topshop, Bag – Ebay

Weekly Inspiration

Oh my gosh, what a crazy weekend. Been working almost non-stop, so that’s why there were no posts…


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