You know the feeling, when you really get into something, you put an effort, you do everything, you try and try, but nothing ever comes out? It’s feeling of a failure. But it’s usually not even really failing. I know right now I’m doing quite good, but I’m still feeling like I’ll never be good enough. It’s kinda depressing.
On that point, I would like to thank all of you who read this on a daily or any basis, who appreciate my work. It was a pleasure sharing my desires with you, a true dream come true. It still is. But I feel like I need a bit of vacation, away from the blogging world. I don’t know how long it’s gonna take, but please bear with me while I work out what I want and what I’m prepared to do for it.
p.s: Maybe it’s just a dark couple of hours and I’ll be back tomorrow, like this was all just a bad dream…
Vsi smo šli čez to fazo in ne samo enkrat. Keep up the good work, še naprej sledi svojim sanjam pa bo..smo vsi na istem :)
don´t be depressed or anything else about blogging because you're doing a great job here. You´re funny, funky girl. Don´t loose that.
wow, I would never talk about my emotions like that in public :). You are very honest. And your english is great. Best of luck