Search Day Night

DIY: Colorful notebooks

Those who know me, know how obsessed I am with notebooks and planners, especially with the Moleskine ones. What can I do, they’re just so cool! They the best to write in and they look so good. Well, they look even better if you wrap them in some colorful tape! It’s supper easy, all you have to do i get you favorite color of that tape and some scissors and you’re ready to go. The rest is up to you. Paste, cut, wherever you like it the best.

I armored up with four different colors (the fourth is already gone as you can see), used my imagination and pimped up mines! Let me know how yours turned out!

By the way, probably not many, but perhaps some of you did notice that my FB page is down. It’s, again, going through some changes, design related and also editorial. I want to create a page that will be good-looking, well edited and most importantly, interesting for you to visit. It may take a little more time, so please bear with me. ;)

Inspiration time!

Pictures from: Angelica Blick, Indestructable Style, Fashion Squad, Tumblr, other blogs