The London trip is now already months away, but I can’t stop myself from reminiscing from time to time. These sweet things, aka the best cupcakes ever are from a cupcakeshop inside the hugest Topshop at Oxford Street, and they’re delish!
Food: Cupcakes from heaven
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Fashion show: KRILA – WINGS by NTF
Remember how I said that fashion shows aren’t really my thing? Well, I think they’re growing on me.…
aaaaaaaaaa temuffini so tko res najbolši na celem svetu, midve z Evico sva ble obsedene z njimi…in ubistvu še vedno sva :D
Te sm jst isto probala…iz Topshopa z Oxford street-a pa so mi bli ful preveč umetni :/ čeprav te tvoji zgledajo ful mjask :)
Arees, men so bli super, mal preveliki in prenasitni ampak yummy :D
haha jaaaa tok so dobrii noo, tle se jih pa nikjer ne dobii :(
Ohooo njami !!