This post is a post, full of my embarrassment, for neglecting and not posting regularly for a week. The truth is, I’ve been feeling very uninspired lately, about blogging, fashion and even in general. The reason for that might hide in fact that I’ve been very busy working these past days and didn’t have much time for myself. Since exam season is approaching again, it’s not very likely I’ll get more of free time, but I’ll try to be better and manage to post now and then.
My unresponsible blogging behaviour aside, lately, I’ve been rediscovering Ebay and bidding on pretty much everything. The first package came in just this morning. I won on a bid for these pretty awesome rings from Topshop. And that’s not all. Since I’ve been on a role with online shopping, I also ordered some new books. The Fame Game by Lauren Conrad and a manual for HTML&CSS.
Tudi jaz iščem en dober priročnik za html in css… je tale vredu?
Prstani so pa ful dobri!
hvaalaaa :D to je bil pure luck, da sm jih sploh našla :)
Thank you! :)
Zaenkrat sem ga uspela samobolj ko ne prelistat ampak izgleda super enostaven, zanimiv in še lep za pogledat :)
hvala :D
i like those rings !
Bolaniii prstani Špela res :)