Search Day Night

Need New Hairstyle, Pronto!

I’m in a desperate need of new hairstyle. I’m at the point where I have to decide whether I let them grow long, or cut them shorter again. Usually I can decide pretty quickly, but this time, I want so many things, that I got a bit confused. So here are the choices I’m playing with.
The short classic version of ombre hair, perhaps pink tips for the summer, maybe just cut them for few centimeters, or skip the hairdresser at all and go back to having long hair?  

Any other suggestions, advices?

 photos from Angelica Blick, Sushi Pedro, Nasty Gal lookbook  

Photo: My city

It’s small and it has its perks, but it’s my home. LJUBLJANA ♥


  1. Haha problemi problemi :D Črna ti zelo paše though :)
    Z barvo jz sicer nikol nism mela problemov, dvakrat v življenju sm se barvala, pa še to v odtenek temnejšo, pa se mi še zdej pozna malo “ombre” narastka, zato bi blo še najlažje mal konice prebarvat pa bi blo :P

  2. Same problem here!!
    Vem, da hocem podaljske (spet, ja!) ampak za barvo nisem sigurna… nevem ce bi se crno ali bi raje kaksno bolj rdeckasto ali mogoce chocolate brown… I don't know and it drives me crazy;p

    I like this “a little ombre” but I would get sick of it too soon :D

  3. hehe, vecna dilema nas punc :)) pomoje bi tebi tut ful srednje dolg paž pasal, ker mas take lepe poteze obraza :)

  4. Pusti dolge pa pol ombre :) Vem, težko je čakat da zrastejo ampak ko se pa ustrižeš ti je pa zmeri žal da nisi pustil dolgih :) That's the way it goes :)

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